
In the early evening a local train had just left Amsterdam Centraal railway station and collided with a double-decker high speed train on the same line. Initial reports estimated 33 to at least 60 people were injured and up to 20 of them seriously. A member of the fire service later increased this to 56. Reuters reported 125 injuries (13 critical, 43 or 44 serious, >60 minor).1)2)3)

The trains involved were a Sprinter electric multiple unit and a Double-deck Intercity electric multiple unit train.4) Neither of the two trains derailed and initial footage of the accident showed that whilst the two ends were crushed, at first glance that there was little damage to rest of the two trains. Passengers were reported to have been smashed against walls, seats, window frames and other passengers.

The accident occurred between Amsterdam Centraal and Amsterdam Sloterdijk stations, near Westerpark, suspending railway services between Amsterdam and The Hague as well as to Schipol Airport on one of the busiest rail routes in the Netherlands. The local train was travelling between Amsterdam and Uitgeest whilt the high speed train was travelling between Den Helder and Nijmegen

2)|Dozens injured in Dutch train collision|date=2012-04-21
4)|Netherlands train crash: Scores injured near Amsterdam